Plano (IL) Stress, Depression & Anxiety

Consider the following statistics from a survey by Mental Health Illinois:

1.8 million adults in Illinois have a mental-health condition.

38.5% of adults in Illinois have symptoms of anxiety or depression.

145,000 Illinois youths aged 12–17 have depression.

Today’s idea of being able to do more in less time – especially with the aid of technology – ideally means we create more time for ourselves. As but a couple of examples, we no longer always have to drive to the bank to make a deposit or head to the mall to purchase a book. We can even have almost any type of fast food delivered to our door.

But as many Illinoisans do, residents of Plano may often discover the opposite proves to be true – the more time we free, the more we fill it, often until we begin to burn out.

When we add extra stressors such as overwork, a pain condition, too much information and screen time, raising a family and the always rising costs of living, our mental health can really start to strain.

If you have been dealing with stress, anxiety or depression, A Touch of Ginger helps Plano residents relieve symptoms and restore inner peace through holistic, natural healthcare that applies Chinese medicine for a sense of greater well-being.

Plano (IL): What Is Acupuncture for My Stress, Depression or Anxiety?

Acupuncture by A Touch of Ginger enhances quality of life for Plano residents of all ages: infants, toddlers, kids, teens, adults and seniors alike. It achieves this by focusing on the flow of your qi (pronounced chee) in your body.

Qi is the Chinese concept of the life force or energy that powers your body to perform. It courses through your body’s pathways with start and end points on the head, hands and feet. When your qi is abundant and moving in harmony with properly functioning organs, there is greater well-being of the mind and body.

Contending with stress, anxiety and depression can disrupt the flow of qi. When your qi is blocked and your organs are out of balance, your body will send distress signals that require attention.

Acupuncture releases and restores your qi by using very fine needles on the skin’s surface to stimulate particular points on the body. The targeted starting points will depend on your particular ailment. As you continue your treatments, acupuncture will help free your blocked qi to once again promote and maintain your health.

Acupuncture’s Power for Plano (IL) Stress

When stress fills our mind and awareness, it can wreak havoc on systems throughout the body. Stress affects different people in Plano in different ways, but some common symptoms might include:

  • increased heart rate or palpitations
  • sense of being overwhelmed
  • chronic fatigue
  • high blood pressure
  • indigestion
  • chest tightness
  • racing thoughts
  • sleep problems
  • clenching or grinding of teeth
  • upper neck and shoulder tightness or pain

In aiming to curb your symptoms, acupuncture with A Touch of Ginger teaches your body how to respond to stress in a calm, even, healing way. In addition to treating current symptoms, this helps to prevent future ones.

If you live in Plano and find yourself often battling stress, consistent acupuncture treatments can help you change its impact on your quality of life. Within 6-8 weeks, you and your body should begin feeling the positive effects of your treatments.

A treatment plan for stress relief might further include Chinese herbal medicine rooted in Canonical Chinese Medicine (CCM). We also monitor how you are feeling each week so we can ensure your treatments are contributing to your mental health.

Acupuncture’s Power for Plano (IL) Depression

Because depression can be so devastating to daily functioning, managing it in a healthy way is vital. Symptoms of depression can include:

  • loss of memory
  • urges to self-harm
  • persistent feelings of guilt
  • difficulty concentrating
  • constant need or desire to sleep
  • chronic lethargy
  • lack of interest and motivation
  • increasing anger and irritability
  • decreasing appetite
  • feelings of sadness or emptiness

If you have symptoms of depression, you can take control of them by seeking support from a mental-health professional and reinforcing your peace of mind with treatments at A Touch of Ginger.

Your acupuncture treatments for depression will focus on enabling your body and mind to communicate by centering on the origin of the condition. They will also aim to free your qi to restore your body’s inner systems to a healthy balance through better blood and fluid circulation. This can further relax your body in helping it speak more calmly and clearly with your mind.

As you maintain your acupuncture treatments, within six to eight weeks you and your body should begin feeling their positive influence on your depression. Your treatment plan with A Touch of Ginger may also include Chinese herbal medicine rooted in Canonical Chinese Medicine (CCM).

Acupuncture’s Power for Plano (IL) Anxiety

Many of us have experienced stressors that trigger worries and thoughts we cannot control, and they start taking total control of us. Without proper treatment, anxiety can empty us of our peace and physical energy.

Symptoms that anxiety might be getting the better of us can include:

  • racing heartbeat
  • rapid breathing
  • chest tightness or pressure
  • rising body temperature or sweating
  • having a sense of doom
  • difficult concentrating
  • frequent urination
  • nail biting
  • racing thoughts
  • trembling

As anxiety continues, it becomes more important that we stop its causes and effects. A treatment plan including acupuncture with A Touch of Ginger helps get to the root of what is causing your anxiety. It also teaches your body how to shift into “rest and digest” mode instead of anxiety’s often ineffective “fight or flight” form of coping.

In freeing your qi and training your body to lower mental alarm, you become in charge of your triggers and their symptoms. Your acupuncture treatments for anxiety relief might include Chinese herbal medicine rooted in Canonical Chinese Medicine (CCM) as well.

We also monitor how you are feeling each week so we can ensure your treatments are contributing to your mental health. Your treatment plan with A Touch of Ginger is a path that adapts to and with you.

Contact A Touch of Ginger Today

We care about the peace of mind and quality of life of our Plano (IL) patients. We welcome the opportunity to help you clear your stress, anxiety or depression in healthy, healing, natural ways. To further discuss how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can contribute to reducing symptoms for you or someone you care about, call us at (630) 299-3464 to speak with one of our professionals.